Let me just say, that I've been obsessing over The One Hundred for the last two months and today it finally occurred to me that the majority of items are accessories rather than articles of clothing. I don't know why it's taken me this long to figure this out and I don't know why I'm so surprised. The right accessories can make just about anything look new, trendy, or classic.
So, number twenty-five, the cuff [bracelet]. I must admit that at first I didn't get the need for the cuff. Especially the $12,500 Verdura cuff Nina obsesses over.
Verdura Cuff
But, after looking through my jewelry box, I came upon a beautiful silver cuff bracelet that I had completely forgotten about. Then I remembered why I purchased that cuff bracelet. A girl I once worked with wore a wide, silver, monogrammed cuff everyday and I coveted it from a far. Why I've never worn it is beyond me. I think it's because it's bold and I always feel intimated by bold jewelry. Nonetheless, I do own the cuff bracelet and since I've re-discovered it, I've actually worn it a time or two. Perhaps I'll get it monogrammed and never take it off.
I don't really love Verdura which is a relief because I'll never be in a position to pay $12,000 for a piece of jewelry. Okay, you caught me. I'm looking at fakes just to say I have one. After all, Coco Chanel herself invented and wore costume jewelry; and was the inspiration for the Verdura cuff.
Number Twenty-five - The Cuff. Twenty-five down, seventy-five to go.
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