Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Before I go forward with any other posts regarding The One Hundred, I have to correct a serious error I made in a previous post.  Oh, I could have gone back and corrected the error but this is so serious, I must confess it openly and honestly.

I have always loved Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel.  She contributed to fashion in ways we will never fully understand.  She designed c o m f o r t a b l e clothes for women.  Although she is know for her classic, collarless suits, and the little black dress, she also was a rebel; she wore pants and cut her hair in a time when these were seen as vulgarities.  She created the first perfume, she more or less invented costume jewelry.  She stayed in Paris during WWII when others of her stature fled to safer more comfortable accommodations.  (Yes, it was at the Ritz-Carlton but even so, I don't think anyplace in Paris during WWII was safe or comfortable.)  In essence, Coco Chanel was the epitome of innovative. (This is a great reference from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.)

In the past year, there have been 2 movies made about Chanel - Coco Before Chanel and Coco Chanel.  If you get a chance to see one, watch the more authentic Coco Before Chanel.  I watched both movies before I posted on the LBD and have a reasonable amount of knowledge about Chanel because she is a bit of an obsession for me.  I know she had never married.  I know she was not a Madame but rather a Mademoiselle.

Therein lies my error and I apologize.  More to Mme Chanel than to you but when I'm wrong, I fully and openly admit it.  Please forgive me and yes, I have made the correction to my earlier post.